I will help you understand your assignment criteria, plan your approach, develop a structure, research and critique the content, and hone your academic writing skills.
I am a literacy specialist and have supported countless students in developing their ability to read the complex academic language found in journals, reports and textbooks.
I can advise you on how to find the information you need, how to read it critically and make notes that can be used to form your assignments.
Do you find it hard to process information during lessons and lectures and take down useful notes at the same time? I can help you find the methods that work for you so that you collate useful notes that you can easily refer back to.
I have guided numerous undergraduate and postgraduate students through their dissertations. I can explain the process and am qualified in quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods.
I can help you to organise and structure the information you have gathered into a dissertation/thesis that you can be proud of.
If presentations make you nervous, I can help you prepare. I have a toolkit of ideas and strategies to help you from preparation to presentation.
I understand that different ways work for different people and will help you to find your way to plan and prepare for your exams so that you are confident on the day.
If independent learning leaves you feeling lost, I can guide you on organising your time and study materials so you feel in control.